Looking for lyrics of Santali songs? Check this out right now.

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We often listen to different tribal songs repeatedly, but most of us are bad with lyrics. No worries, the lyrics are to our rescue. Read this article to know how can you sing along the next time, you listen to Santali songs.

"Dela gate, delang edi meya re

 Buru buru parom, gelbar buru parom te

 Aale disom te"
Let me take you to the world of Santali lyrics without further ado.
One of my favorite websites when I am looking for lyrics of contemporary Santali songs. From Dingra boys hits to Tom Murmu's heart-touching songs, it has all. You can play the song and look at the lyrics simultaneously. You can even contact them by submitting a simple google form or request them to upload lyrics of any particular song of your wish.
Mail ID-   lyricssantali@gmail.com
Instagram ID-  lyricssantali_2021
Another website which you would not like to miss is Lyrics Santali Blogspot. A plethora of singers is listed with amazing creations. You can request them to upload more such lyrics on the 'quick message' section on their site.
YouTube channel " Santali lyrics world"

Jhipir jhipir Dah E Jari
Tuturi Tam Lohod O
Hende Rimil Sanwar Upre
Anchar Tam Do Johod O
Does it ring a bell? If you want to feel nostalgic about old Santali albums, then you can visit this website where you can go through your memory lane.


4. http://www.santhaliworld.in/
Again, this website has a lot of lyrics too, but it has more to offer. It has two more categories namely Poems and Santali G.K.. But there are no posts right now in that section to view.
Email: sanjitsoren95@gmail.com

5. https://santalilyricszone.blogspot.com/p/about-us.html
Another blog working on Santali lyrics is Santali lyrics zone.
Email: bidyuttudu1963@gmail.com


6. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxOzChUYQwbbESKRxCmXfA
Santali Lyrics channel on Youtube uploads videos with lyrics. They have uploaded 28 videos till now.


7. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SSzQ5aQ-h7RQFcGEwMr4Q
Channel name: RAHa Rimil

8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCD1BuTqP48L-HMje73C9gQ
You can also find some videos on Sagun Hansda's channel.


8. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0gOoM_t50AkN7uKSZKOZ7A


Thank you. Let me know if you know more about such websites or channels.
